Meet Shayfer James, singer, songwriter, and performer who will be presenting his music/arts collaborative project, March of Crows, on March 10, 2017 at 8pm at Grace Van Vorst Church in Jersey City.
“I was originally because I had moved to Jersey City after living in Harlem, and I knew people, but I wasn’t the best at getting out there . And I was at a point in my life where isolation wasn’t working out anymore. Only being social at shows and with close friends wasn’t doing it, and so I thought a good way to reach out and connect to new people was through art. So that was really the basis of the project. I wanted to challenge myself to write more, and I also wanted to connect with people in a different way, in a new way.
So that’s why I did it last year, and it ended up being super successful, and it connected me with a lot of cool people, and I became friends with people that maybe I wouldn’t have met otherwise. And the event was a pretty big hit, so I figured it would be fun to do it again . It’s , still free to attend, still has the same format, but there are six new songs inspired by new artists – some of which I’ve never even met in person. And instead of doing poetry this year, the latest translation of involves textiles and jewelry, so there are going to be mannequins with jewelry and textiles that are based on the songs. We’ve got about 20 to 25 people involved in this show – from musicians to artists to textile to lighting designers to dancers. that genre isn’t a boundary, that I shouldn’t be hindered by style. This is a pure process. it’s motivated me to get a little weird with music, and to step outside my comfort zone.”
March of Crows is free to attend, but donations will benefit Grace Van Vorst Church’s Cathedral Arts Live program. The online sales the new March of Crows songs will benefit the York Street Project.
For more information on March of Crows, visit or
You can follow Shayfer on:
– Facebook: @shayferjamesmusic
– Twitter: @shayferjames
– Instagram: @shayferjamesmusic
– YouTube: